Visual Kits available from Els for Autism

As autistic individuals are very visual based, we wanted to empower our families with resources to help them navigate transitions and a reward system. We sent each of them a token board and also a car sticker for emergencies reading ‘autistic person on board, in case of emergency they may resist help’. We would like to thank Sign Works for sponsoring us with these stickers. We also added an Autism Awareness and Acceptance book written and drawn by Lindsey Carter, an autistic adult, in which she shares her experience as an autistic person. We would like to thank Autism South Africa for allowing us to share this with our families. For those who would like to order more copies of this colouring book please reach out to Autism South Africa. It retails for R80 and you can email info@autismsouthafrica.orgto place your order. 

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